This release brings new features to improve use of tools and connections.

What's new for users

Connection controls updates: It is now possible to update connection controls from within XrmToolBox directly without having to update the whole XrmToolBox application. This will allow us to address connection bugs more quickly. You can also opt in to receive pre release versions of Connection controls in the settings.
Impersonation : If your security roles allow it, you can impersonate yourself as another user when using XrmToolBox tools. Than can be particularly useful when you need to debug permissions or data access issues for a specific user

Duplicate Tool : You can now duplicate a tool with or without changing the connection used by performing a right click on the tool tab
Change connection of a tool : You can now change the connection used by a tool by performing a right click on the tool tab and clicking on "Change connection"
"New" tag : See a visual indicator in the tools list that a tool has been installed recently. The duration the tag is displayed can be controled in settings
Bug fixes

Fixed NullReferenceException when connecting using a connection string
Fixed bug where it was not possible to reconnect to a connection created using Client Id and Client Secret
Fixed issue where IFD connection was not considered as an IFD connection after connecting

Known issues
For users having created connection with Oauth or S2S using connection wizard, you may have to recreate the connection using Client Id/Client Secret method

What's new for developers


Documentation for Application Insights code is added to XrmToolBoxPackage assemblies

Bug fixes

What's new for administators
