XrmToolBox provides a SettingsManager class that allows you to save/load settings for your tool globally, or per connection (or any other criteria of your choice)

Create a settings class

Create a public class that will store your settings. This class must be serializable in XML.

public class Settings
    public string Var1 { get; set; }
    public bool Var2 { get; set; }

Save settings

To save settings globally for your tool, use the method Save of the singleton instance of SettingsManager

SettingsManager.Instance.Save(typeof(SampleTool), settings);

where SampleTool is your tool user control. The resulting saved file is MsCrmTools.SampleTool.xml.

If you want to save settings for a specific connection (or any other criteria), you can use the optional name argument

SettingsManager.Instance.Save(typeof(SampleTool), settings, ConnectionDetail.ConnectionId.ToString());

The resulting saved file is MsCrmTools.SampleTool_8d1c9b43-883c-41d8-bce8-7219919ba3cf.xml.

Load settings 

To load global settings, use the method TryLoad of the singleton instance of SettingsManager

Settings settings;

if (SettingsManager.Instance.TryLoad(typeof(SampleTool), out settings))
    MessageBox.Show("Settings found!");
    settings = new Settings();
where SampleTool is your tool user control. 

To load settings for a specific connection, (or any other criteria), you can use the optional name argument
Settings settings;

if (SettingsManager.Instance.TryLoad(typeof(SampleTool), out settings, ConnectionDetail.ConnectionId.ToString()))
    MessageBox.Show("Settings found!");
    settings = new Settings();