Access Team Studio


Access Team Studio is a versatile tool designed for XRM toolbox which offers user's comprehensive control over record access. It enables user's to verify and modify access permissions, seamlessly switch between user profiles, and efficiently manage records with advanced filtering and search options based on Record ID and Primary attribute. Additionally, it boasts a convenient feature to export records directly into an Excel sheet, enhancing data management and reporting capabilities. This tool is an essential asset for administrators seeking to maintain optimal access levels and data oversight within their XRM environment.

Latest version release notes

Version 1.0.0


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
4.0.0 5/2/2024 9:26:54 AM 16 0.00


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Author: Deepesh Somani Latest version: 4.0.0 Released on: 05/02/2024 Nuget package Id: AccessTeamStudio Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 0Average rating 0Number of ratings Downloads 16Latest version 16All versions 16.00Average per version Tags