Bulk Delete Tool


Bulk delete data from CRM using system views, personal views, or custom FetchXML queries.

Latest version release notes

- Ability to Delete records from CRM based on System Views, Personal Views, or Custom FetchXML Queries
- Ability to select the batch size and interval (in seconds) between batches
- Ability to edit FetchXML Query in FetchXML Builder tool within XrmToolBox


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2018.10.20 10/18/2018 1:59:10 PM 71335 4.40
1.2018.10.19 10/18/2018 3:11:55 AM 950 0.00


Latest version

Richard Castro ()
This is much better than the Dynamics built-in tool!
Linn Zaw Win ()
The tool does its job and bulk delete the rows of the selected table based on the view or FetchXML
Tony Johnston ()
I had same results as other user. Sometimes it stops with non deleted at 200. Ran another time different entity and it deleted over 1.5 million. Dynamics was in admin mode after a copy of prod to sandbox.
Robert Perritt ()
Saved a ton of time deleting 10k records. Thank you!
Jonathan Hoffman ()
Sometimes plugin runs very well - I was able to delete 650,000 records last week. Sometimes it does not - Plugin stops as successful after 200 records with a run time of several minutes. I'm not sure what the difference is - network is the same, VPN is the same, organization is the same.

Other versions

No feedback.

Related information

Author: Andy Popkin Latest version: 1.2018.10.20 Released on: 10/18/2018 Nuget package Id: AndyPopkin.BulkDeleteTool Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 5Number of ratings Downloads 71335Latest version 72285All versions 36142.50Average per version Tags Data