Recycle Bin


Review and restore the deleted records for entities with auditing enabled. The restore option just recreated the record with same deleted guid. Relationship may or may not get restored automatically.

Latest version release notes

Pachage updated and bug fixes

Minor fixes

Fixed issues for listing in the tool

Upgraded to latest verion of CRM SDK

Build with latest SDK and XrmToolBox framework

Update the SDK references
Fixed issue with service appointment restore

Exception with CRM 2015 fixed by rajyraman

View delete records per entity and by date range filter.
View detail of these records with all the fields values.
Restore multiple records in one click.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.11 11/23/2023 1:16:17 AM 9117 0.00
1.2019.7.1 7/23/2019 2:27:23 AM 49239 4.17
1.2019.3.1 3/18/2019 1:52:12 AM 5254 0.00
1.2018.2.1 1/31/2019 12:41:54 AM 3205 0.00
1.2017.11.1 11/22/2017 5:30:03 AM 38683 5.00
Show more versions (3 more)


Latest version

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Other versions

Jose Luis Najera Bautista () - version 1.2019.7.1
It is an excellent tool that solves the problem if records are deleted accidentally. The drawback is that if an account is deleted by accident and that same account is anchored to a quote or has a contact assigned, the Recycle Bin tool does not allow you to recover records that already have a relationship with other entities. I hope the developer can update the tool to recover records that already have a relationship with other entities.
Husam Alhmoud () - version 1.2019.7.1
Ram Sama () - version 1.2019.7.1
Brilliant tool, saved a lot of time and effort. Only issue is, it retrieves only 500 records , got no option to increase the count. Is it possible to restore more than 500 records?
Locatrix IT () - version 1.2019.7.1
Sean Robertson () - version 1.2019.7.1
I have created a XRM ToolBox account just to review this plugin. 6/5 Stars. Saved my bacon after accidentally deleting a contact (Oops).
Hanshu Saini () - version 1.2019.7.1
David Mattson () - version 1.2017.11.1
Saved my coworker's bacon

Related information

Author: Deepak Battini Latest version: 1.2023.11 Released on: 11/23/2023 Nuget package Id: BDK.XrmToolBox.RecycleBin Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 7Number of ratings Downloads 9117Latest version 204356All versions 25544.50Average per version Tags Data