CRM Solution Explorer


This plugin will help you to do some basic tasks related to MS CRM Solutions. You can do Patch/Merge/Update/Delete Patches/Copy/Publish All Solution across environments.

Latest version release notes

Latest Version: Bugfixes and some changes.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2021.10.10 10/10/2021 2:52:01 AM 25261 0.00
1.2021.8.11 8/12/2021 12:33:39 AM 3511 0.00
1.2021.7.20 7/21/2021 6:19:34 AM 1370 0.00
1.2021.7.19 7/19/2021 8:36:41 AM 586 0.00
1.2021.7.18 7/17/2021 1:56:17 PM 430 0.00
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Latest version

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Other versions

Sumedha Obeysekera () - version 1.2020.5.13
This makes it easy if you are to handle many environments at once with number of solutions. Great tool.

Related information

Author: Murali TK Latest version: 1.2021.10.10 Released on: 10/10/2021 Nuget package Id: CRMSolutionExplorer Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 1Number of ratings Downloads 25261Latest version 48084All versions 3434.57Average per version Tags Solutions