View Designer


Easy UI to design view layouts and alter queries using FetchXML Builder

Latest version release notes

1.2016.8.6: Added support to display live data from CRM to verify column widths etc.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2016.8.7 8/6/2016 7:49:00 PM 262151 3.88
1.2016.8.6 8/5/2016 12:17:46 PM 1995 0.00
1.2016.6.5 6/23/2016 10:08:31 AM 9785 0.00
1.2016.6.4 6/16/2016 4:03:25 PM 3497 0.00


Latest version

Linn Zaw Win ()
This is a really great tool to modify the layout and query of the view for the scenarios which are not available in the OOB view designer. It's a shame that the tool is no longer maintained and the project of the tool is not open source too. There are quite a number of bugs reported in the GitHub project but nobody is looking into those. By the way, if anyone is not able to install the tool and getting the error below, download the Cinteros.Xrm.XmlEditorUtils.dll from this link ( and place it into XrmToolBox storage folder plugins folder (as follows) to load it properly. C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\MscrmTools\XrmToolBox\Plugins\ Could not load file or assembly 'Cinteros.Xrm.XmlEditorUtils, Version=1.2016.4.106, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
rahul desai ()
jin qiu ()
Frank Bello ()
does not install
M S ()
Could not load file or assembly 'Cinteros.Xrm.XmlEditorUtils, Version=1.2016.4.106, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Clint Woods ()
Jesus Gonzalez ()
Natraj Yegnaraman ()

Other versions

No feedback.

Related information

Author: Innofactor AB Latest version: 1.2016.8.7 Released on: 08/02/2017 Nuget package Id: Cinteros.XrmToolBox.ViewDesigner Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 8Number of ratings Downloads 262151Latest version 277428All versions 69357.00Average per version Tags User Interface Customizations