Early Bound Generator V2


Generates Early Bound Entities/Option Sets/Messages. Uses the DataverseModelBuilder from the SDK, and shows command line used to create the classes.

Latest version release notes

Add option to mark all attributes as nullable (C# 8.0) #311

Allow for specifying more than 100 entities in entity whitelist #493

Allow for Blacklist of Attribute Names #494

Virtual Attributes with Make all fields Editable Creates invalid setters #484

Fix for Null Ref when missing local language pack classes #480

Fix for Connection Record1ObjectTypeCode and Connection_Record2ObjectTypeCode Are noisy between Environments #477

Add a Search Box for the Properties Grid #476
Fix for Naming Conventions for OptionSets #316

Allow for Enum Name Replacement strings #475
Alternate Keys aren't ordered #474
Fix Error with StateCode when overriding EntityName #473

Fix Ordering of local Enums #472
Fix "Use Enum for State Codes" generates enum with lowercase first letter #439

State Name is incorrect when using Entity Class Name Overrides #469

Add a default Messages Whitelist #468

Allow to override Entity Names #467

Fix EBG V2 Generation Error: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.PreferredSolutionDetails is not available #465
IEnumerable Activity Party Typing Bug (again) #464
Handle Xml File Formatting #461
Added claw/clawback to dictionary

Added Option to suppress Auto-Generated by comment #414
Added Option to import all languages label - Early Bound Generator #426
Added Character substitution list for Danish #441
Fix for "Delete Files from Output folders" fails if "Generate Messages" = False #447
Audible Completion Notification setting don't work #452
Add setting to specify output folder location #451
IL Merge Free

Utilize EmitEntityETC Setting #446
Use emitVirtualAttributes #445
Add Ability to Trace Model Builder #444
Capitalize BookableResourceTypes choice correctly #443
Fix for UpsertMultiple request always getting generated #442


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
2.2024.5.16 5/17/2024 2:30:44 PM 3125 0.00
2.2024.5.15 5/16/2024 6:04:52 PM 41 0.00
2.2024.5.8 5/9/2024 12:43:52 PM 935 0.00
2.2024.5.4 5/3/2024 4:47:11 PM 738 0.00
2.2024.5.3 5/3/2024 2:50:47 PM 0 0.00
Show more versions (24 more)


Latest version

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Other versions

Joyful Learning 365 () - version 2.2023.12.10
Excellent Plugins
Stacy Park () - version 2.2023.12.4
Excellent plugin.
Tanguy TOUZARD () - version 2.2023.12.4
Just use v2 for the first time. It’s blazing fast! Great job Daryl!
Tool author answer ()
Phil Cole () - version 2.2023.12.4
Linn Zaw Win () - version 2.2023.4.4
A great upgrade of the EBG V1 tool. Even though there are a few bugs in the initial release (like the other products), the support is great and the bugs are tracked and being worked on properly in the GitHub repo. Documentation for the differences between V1 and V2 makes it easier for those who are considering upgrading the models generated with V1.

Related information

Author: Daryl LaBar Latest version: 2.2024.5.16 Released on: 05/17/2024 Nuget package Id: DLaB.Xrm.EarlyBoundGeneratorV2 Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 5Number of ratings Downloads 3125Latest version 29353All versions 1012.17Average per version Tags Development