Data Restoration Tool


The purpose of this tool is to be able to restore deleted Dataverse data. The tool will only list the tables that have auditing enabled and show records that are eligible to be restored.

To be able to work with this tool, make sure that the table you want to restore records for has auditing enabled!

For more information on how to use this tool, visit the Project Page!

Latest version release notes

- General UI improvements

- Implemented Advanced Settings Tooltips.
- Implemented Load All Data Button which disregards the selected Date Range.
- Fixed an issue with empty records names which did not allow to view the details of the record.
- Added more feedback to the users when loading in data or restoring data.

- Added (De)Select All buttons
- Added additional advanced settings
- Implemented better handling of exceptions when restoring data
- Added Settings implementation to save Advanced Configuration


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.10.25 10/25/2023 3:47:42 PM 4497 0.00
1.2023.8.10 8/10/2023 10:14:06 AM 1687 0.00
1.2023.8.4 8/2/2023 7:58:23 AM 609 5.00
1.2023.8.3 8/1/2023 11:40:09 AM 438 0.00
1.2023.8.2 8/1/2023 11:09:33 AM 432 0.00
Show more versions (6 more)


Latest version

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Jeroen Vanhaute () - version 1.2023.8.4
Very useful tool when you or your customer gets sloppy and accidentally deleted their data (again). Don't forget this requires the table and its fields to be audited, can't restore what hasn't got an audit log!
Angelique Niemegeers () - version 1.2023.8.4
Very useful tool! Thanks!

Related information

Author: Cédric Ally Latest version: 1.2023.10.25 Released on: 10/25/2023 Nuget package Id: DataRestorationTool Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 2Number of ratings Downloads 4497Latest version 7743All versions 703.91Average per version Tags Data