Here you can edit the chart, and customize all its attributes.
Latest version release notes
Update 07-06-2021:- Add new attributes to the chart. Remove/ Group unsupported attributes. Update 14-1-2018 Bugs fixed Sometimes custom properties for pie charts where not showing for pie charts. This has been corrected.
Additions Palette in the chart now includes the Unified User Interface color palette. Note that this palette only has 8 colors, where other palettes have 16-24 colors.
Updates Custom properties are now logically grouped for the following chart types Column StackedColumn StackedColumn100 Area StackedArea StackedArea100 Bar StackedBar StackedBar100 Line Point Funnel Bubble Pie Doughnut
Updates 20171102 Properties on Series are now grouped in a more logical manner for better navigation. XML text editor now supports collapsing and expanding nodes. XML text editor now have scrollbars so all areas of XML can be edited. All marker type properties now have better descriptions. All marker type properties now have number validation where relevant. ShadowOffset and ShadowColor properties added to series.
Fixes When a color is used in the custom properties it fails because of the commas. Colors replaced with named list for custom properties only. Entering HEX manually is supported. Spaces are removed upon continued used in custom properties. ------- Updates to ChartStructure XML 8/29
Number fields have better decimal point control in the editor. Editor now only allow valid ranges in number fields Editor now only allow decimals on numbers when allowed by XML
Editor now lets you add missing nodes.
Nodes that can be added in the editor • Annotations ○ TextAnnotations • Legends ○ Legend • AxisY2 • AxisX2
For each Axis, the following nodes that can be added for AxisX, AxisY, AxisX2, AxisY2 • MajorGrid • MajorTickMark • MinorGrid • MinorTickMark • LabelStyle • ScaleBreakStyle
The series now support all marker properties: • MarkerBorderColor • MarkerBorderWidth • MarkerColor • MarkerSize • MarkerStep MarkerStyle New features (1.2017.8.7):- 1- BarLabelStyle properties enumeration list corrected 2- LabelAutofitStyle properties enumeration list corrected 3- LegendStyle enumeration added 4- Legend Docking enumeration added 5- Legend IsEquallySpacedItems added 6- Legend Alignment added 7- Legend ItemColumnSpacing added 8- Custom properties for chart type Point added New features (1.2017.6.27):- 1- New Attributes 2- Help Tooltip for the attributes 3- Save As 4- Delete 5- Update Without Publish 6- Adding Annotation Node By Default
After using this plugin, each user is now receiving different colors. Could you please check and provide the possible cause of this behavior?
talaat ezzat ()
Other versions
Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.2018.1014.2
A great tool to modify the charts with the visual editor by selecting and entering values available for each specific property.
The user can change the styling of the chart without the extensive knowledge about chart XML.
Youcef Doumandji () - version 1.2018.1014.2
Super utile. Merci..
Tanguy Touzard () - version 1.2018.1.14
Must have plugin for everything that deals with chart rendering! I would like it to be a bit more polished, but it does the job
Related information
Author: Mohamed Rasheed (ITLec) and Ulrik “CRM Chart Guy” Carlsson (Elev8 Solutions)Latest version: 1.2021.607.3Released on: 06/30/2021Nuget package Id: ITLec.CRMChartGuy.XRMToolBox.AdvancedChartEditorOpen Source: falseGo to project web site Ratings (all versions)5Average rating6Number of ratings Downloads71535Latest version269481All versions13474.05Average per version TagsDataCustomizationsReporting