Metadata Browser


Browse metadata from your Dynamics CRM organization

Latest version release notes

Fixed copy of properties from Metadata Browser Companion to clipboard


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.10.26 10/19/2023 7:50:19 PM 9170 0.00
1.2023.6.25 6/28/2023 3:23:19 PM 11070 0.00
1.2023.3.24 3/3/2023 3:17:22 PM 12353 5.00
1.2022.12.23 12/2/2022 6:42:17 PM 7244 0.00
1.2022.10.22 10/6/2022 11:56:54 AM 5532 5.00
Show more versions (21 more)


Latest version

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Other versions

Angel Rodriguez () - version 1.2022.10.22
I love it.
Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.2023.3.24
This is a great tool to quickly browse through the metadata of tables and columns for information which is not available in the solution explorer. the new addition of the Metadata Browser Companion tool is a great companion tool with which I can quickly search the information without jumping through multiple pages in the solution explorer.
Pablo Roldan () - version 1.2020.4.13
Useful plugin
Michael Scott () - version 1.2019.6.12
Roberto Alonso () - version 1.2017.12.4
Njaka MISAHARISON () - version 1.2017.12.4
Aaron Carpenter () - version 1.2017.1.3
Tanguy Touzard () - version 1.2017.1.3
Nice plugin to discover metadata but it misses latest release metadata

Related information

Author: MscrmTools Latest version: 1.2023.10.26 Released on: 10/19/2023 Nuget package Id: MsCrmTools.MetadataBrowser Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 7Number of ratings Downloads 9170Latest version 303589All versions 11676.50Average per version Tags Customizations Documentation