Clone Field Definitions Plugin


A XrmToolBox Plugin that helps copying field definitions from an entity to another

Latest version release notes

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Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2.2 10/31/2019 10:08:00 AM 43280 5.00
1.2.1 10/7/2019 6:45:04 AM 2427 0.00
1.2.0 6/30/2019 10:29:42 PM 5166 5.00
1.1.2 5/22/2019 9:29:33 PM 3929 5.00
1.1.1 7/3/2018 7:59:18 AM 22824 0.00
Show more versions (22 more)


Latest version

dao nguyen ()
Maciej ()
Nagham Abou Jaoudeh ()
Linn Zaw Win ()
A great tool to clone the columns from one table to another in the same environment or a different environment.
Ravi Kanchan ()

Other versions

Lars Martin () - version 1.2.0
Awesome plugin, saves a lot of time.
Denny Banholzer () - version 1.1.2
Saves a lot of time - brilliant!
Roberto Alonso () - version 1.0.36

Related information

Author: Florian Kroenert Latest version: 1.2.2 Released on: 10/31/2019 Nuget package Id: MsDyn.Contrib.CloneFieldDefinitions Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 7Number of ratings Downloads 43280Latest version 233621All versions 8652.63Average per version Tags Customizations