Ribbon Workbench


Edit the Dynamics 365/PowerApps Ribbon/Command Bar from inside the XrmToolBox

Latest version release notes

See Release notes at https://ribbonworkbench.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/80806-download-ribbon-workbench-for-crm-2011-2013-2015


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
3.1.647.1 1/9/2023 11:25:20 PM 70181 4.88
3.1.443.1 2/8/2021 10:42:34 PM 76925 4.83
3.1.438.1 2/1/2021 5:36:43 PM 1621 0.00
3.1.392.1 7/13/2020 9:49:13 AM 22187 5.00
3.1.391.1 3/31/2020 2:29:26 PM 13762 0.00
Show more versions (21 more)


Latest version

Daniel Mekonnen ()
X_X Melvin ()
Mauro De Biasio ()
Great tool. I found a bug on the MS FCB rules, is there any chance anyone will be able to fix it? There is no declaration for "FeatureControlRule" that renderes in ribbon workbench as empty. The only way to fix it is to export the solution before modification, remove all the empty conditions and restore the pre-existing rules from the backup solution and re-import the solution. Is there any other way around it? FeatureControlRule -> FCB.HybridDialog.AppointmentRecurrence
Daniel Liu ()
Yi Zhang ()
darshna gadhiya ()
Andreina Granados Lucena ()
尚子 松本 ()

Other versions

Andre Louro () - version 3.1.443.1
So useful. thanks for making it
Em K () - version 3.1.443.1
Maximiliano Vittone () - version 3.1.443.1
Veljko Vidovic () - version 3.1.443.1
Andrés Sánchez () - version 3.1.443.1
Karol Malyszka () - version 3.1.443.1
Samir BENAISSA () - version 3.1.443.1
Roman Mihailovsky () - version 3.1.443.1
Bruno Santos Gonçalves () - version 3.1.443.1
Maria Smart () - version 3.1.443.1
liu rui () - version 3.1.443.1
David Wade () - version 3.1.443.1
My go-to tool for ribbon changes.
Christian Schoon () - version 3.1.392.1
Curtis Stallings () - version 3.1.392.1
Phil Topness () - version
Patrick Lauziere () - version
Un outils fantastique! Un incontournable pour qui travaille à personnaliser D365CE.
Omar Bouzrara () - version
Edson Nunes () - version
Michael Ochs () - version
Martine Vandegaer () - version
Rolf Hammervik () - version
Grigory Zhukov () - version
Beautiful plugin. Scott rocks!
Shameer V V () - version
Don Schiavone () - version
Truly the ONLY way to do Ribbon customizations.
Njaka MISAHARISON () - version
Tanguy TOUZARD () - version
You cannot customize ribbon/command bar without this invaluable plugin! Well, you could but you would just waste your time

Related information

Author: Scott Durow Latest version: 3.1.647.1 Released on: 01/09/2023 Nuget package Id: RibbonWorkbench2016 Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 35Number of ratings Downloads 70181Latest version 464282All versions 17857.00Average per version Tags User Interface Customizations Development